Contact Us & FAQ’s
Below you will find our contact information with our special map. Frequently asked questions are found below the contact information for your convenience.
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- Do you need a Donations Request Form? You can download it below too!
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General Information
Market on Morse
9399 Morse Road SW, Pataskala, OH 43062
Apple Picking
Locations vary according to variety of apple being picked on any given day. There are 3 different orchard locations at the main farm on Morse Rd. plus occasionally at our Blue Frog Farm which are posted prior to the weekend on Facebook and also sent in our email newsletter for the weekend. We do require a minimum purchase of one small bag of apples/car for those entering the U-Pick apple orchards. Don't forget to sign up for the Cider Press on this page!
Warehouse and Mailing Address
9091 Morse Road SW, Pataskala, OH 43062
Market and School Tours
9399 Morse Road SW, Pataskala, OH 43062
Corn Maze - 9851 Morse Rd. SW, Pataskala, OH. 43062
Blue Frog Farm
5499 Sportsmanclub Rd., Johnstown, OH 43062
The Patch on 37 - Johnstown Alexandria Rd., Alexandria - opens mid to late June with the raspberry u-pick. The berry hotline number is 740-814-4196 or feel free to call the market at 740-927-8559.
By Phone
- 740.927.8559 – (Market Phone)
- 740.404.9967 – MAZE
- 740.927.1333 – (Recording for weekend updates in the late summer and fall)
- 740.927.7013 or 740.564.4423 - (School Tours)
- 740-789-9104 2024 Hotline
Market: DAILY, 10-5 Hours during harvest season are different. Check ticker on homepage for up to date information.
Berry picking – varies depending on availability,
Apple Picking: Check the ticker on homepage week to week or estimated apple picking schedule coming soon! Facebook will also reflect picking dates as we approach fall.

General Apple and Produce Related FAQ
What happens to the apples on the ground?
Where and when can I pick my own apples? Where do we get containers/pay?
U-Pick apple orchards are located at the Morse Rd. Farm which has up to 3 different orchard entrances, depending on the variety that is ripe and ready to pick on a particular week. Signs at the intersection of 310 and Morse will point you in the right direction. Ideally, check the Facebook page or sign up for the Cider Press Email (form found on this page above!) which will instruct you with the exact address of the orchards being picked that weekend. APPLES CANNOT BE PICKED AT THE MARKET ENTRANCE. U-PICK APPLES ARE ONLY AVAILABLE ON WEEKENDS DURING THE APPLE SEASON (late August thru October). Each orchard has its own check-in (peck and half bushel bags and instructions) and check-out where trunks need to be open. Apples are charged per level bag full. Overfilled bags will be charged extra. There is a minimum purchase of one peck bag per vehicle. Be sure to check the apple picking schedule by going to the Pick Your Own tab on the homepage, apple section and click picking schedule. Most apples start on a Wednesday continuing through Sunday, depending on availability. The ticker on the homepage as well as a hotline number always have the latest information.
Are you organic? Do you spray?
Why are the peaches so hard? How long will they keep?
Which apples are best for cooking?
Most varieties of apples are good-excellent cooking apples, depending on your preference. See the apple use chart for details.
What is the best way to store apples
Is your cider treated?
Our fresh Apple Cider and Goldrush Ciders (available in the winter warehouse sales or in the cooler at the market) are UV Light treated which means 99.99% of pathogens are killed. This cider has no preservative added which means approximately 3 weeks after it’s made, it will start to ‘turn’ and begin to have a vinegar taste. This cider is excellent making wines or hard cider. REFRIGERATE IMMEDIATELY. Ciders purchased in the orchard at U-Pick or in the market out of the bins does have a minimal amount of ascorbic acid and is heat pasteurized, which gives it a longer shelf life and enables us to sell it in the orchard.
Do your mums come back every season?
Do you sell Applewood?
YES! It is available by the armload or by the 18 bushel bulk bin at the market 9399 Morse Rd. If you need it delivered to your restaurant or in the winter, email
Where do I go to pick my own berries, cherries and peaches? What is Blue Frog Farm?
Our Blue Frog Farm (5499 Sportsman Club Rd., Johnstown) is home of all the raspberry, cherry, blackberry & peach U-pick field during the summertime. For details, sign up for the CiderPress E-letter (form on this page above!) and/or Facebook friend us! This beautiful site is also where we grow the apples which are sold in the market. NOTE: Blue Frog does not have set hours. You must check FB, email or website ticker for dates and times we are open.
Do you ship apples or jam?
We do ship apples, but not jams. Call the market to place orders. 740-927-8559..
Plan Your Visit
Is that your market on Rt. 161?
NO. The market on Lucille Rd., just off old 161 was owned by Bob Lynd, a distant cousin and is NOT part of our organization. That market is now closed as Bob has moved out of the area.
When are fry pies delivered?
Fry pie deliveries can vary, but generally are delivered Tuesday thru Saturday morning depending on the time of year. . Stephens pies are delivered Fridays, mid-morning. Call the market at 740-927- 8559 if you’d like us to special order or save something for you.
Do you close the orchard, berry patches or maze when it rains?
Can I bring my dog?
Dogs are permitted in the orchard, sunflower field & in the maze. They must be kept on a leash and you must clean up after them, so come prepared with a baggie. They must also be non-aggressive, friendly and accepting of strangers with masks. Dogs are NOT permitted at the market grounds or berry patches. SERVICE dogs are the exception.
What does your maze cost?
There are a variety of packages available for you to choose from depending on age and the activities you desire. For details, click here for more info!
What forms of payment do you accept?
Where are your restrooms?
Business Related FAQ
Do you offer discounts or coupons?
Volume discounts for are available depending on the amount and availability. Call the market and ask for the produce department. Any coupons we offer would be through our CiderPress email. Please use the form above on this page to sign up!
What is your photographer policy?
Both professional and amateur photographers are welcome to photograph families in the orchards or berry patches at the times we are open for public picking and must be leave the grounds at the time we close. They will be limited to the same area as the picking is being offered. Every vehicle that enters the U-Pick orchard is required to purchase a minimum of one small bag of apples, including the photographer’s vehicle. Every vehicle that enters the pumpkin patch is required to purchase a minimum of one pumpkin, including the photographer’s vehicle. Payment is due as you exit. Please schedule your clients so that you are finished by 6:00, when the orchards close. It is the responsibility of the photographer to communicate the minimum purchase to their clients. No appointment is needed. Drones are not permitted.
How does a non-profit request a donation?
501(c)(3) organizations may complete a Request for Donation form and hand deliver to the market 15 days or more prior to the date of your event. Due to the large number of requests, not all requests can be fulfilled, so if you do not hear back from us within 3 days of dropping off your request your request has been denied. Download the application here!
What forms of payment do you accept?
How do I apply for a job at Lynds?
Applications may be picked up at the market or obtained at this link, but the it must be hand delivered to Penny or Debbie at the market, which opens in mid-July. Download the application here!