BLUE FROG FARM, 5499 SportsmanClub Rd. in Johnstown, OH is named after a brilliant blue bullfrog that resided in the pond during the spring of 2012. Blue Frog is a working farm, not generally open to the public. We do open occasionally for apple u-pick as noted on the ticker, Facebook or Cider Press Newsletter which is emailed weekly during market and harvest seasons. BLUE FROG is where most of the apples sold in the market are grown. Apples, pumpkins & blackberries pick your own are offered once in a while, not often.
THE PATCH on 37, 3131 Johnstown Alexandria Rd. NW, Alexandria is the home of the Red & Black Raspberry and Elderberry Pick Your Own field. We raise a few blackberries there as well. Picking times are determined on a day to day basis based on ripening and availability. The 2024 Hotline number for berry picking is 740-789-9104
2024 Apples – Watch the ticker, apple picking schedule, Facebook and Cider Press Newsletter for picking locations and dates.
Due to the nature of the clay ground on the ridge where Blue Frog Farm is home to a spectacular orchard, it is not ideal for growing berries. This old berry patch is being replaced with a new planting at The Patch on 37 where the valley ground that lies near the stream should produce beautiful berries. During the spring of 2021 we planted 7 acres, mostly raspberries, to open 2022. Stay tuned!
Want to PICK raspberries at THE PATCH ON 37?

–Black & Red Raspberry U-Pick is at our newest farm The Patch on 37, 3131 Johnstown-Alexandria Rd., Alexandria. I runs from late June through mid July. Call our summer hotline number 740-789-9104 for up to date picking times, prices etc.
To FREEZE berries, just lay them on a tray, single layer and set in freezer. In 10 minutes you’ll have frozen berries ready to dump into freezer bags!
General Information
Market on Morse
9399 Morse Road SW, Pataskala, OH 43062
Apple Picking
Locations vary according to variety of apple being picked on any given day. There are 3 different orchard locations at the main farm on Morse Rd. plus occasionally at our Blue Frog Farm which are posted prior to the weekend on Facebook and also sent in our email newsletter for the weekend. We do require a minimum purchase of one small bag of apples/car for those entering the U-Pick apple orchards. Don't forget to sign up for the Cider Press on this page!
Warehouse and Mailing Address
9091 Morse Road SW, Pataskala, OH 43062
Market and School Tours
9399 Morse Road SW, Pataskala, OH 43062
Corn Maze - 9851 Morse Rd. SW, Pataskala, OH. 43062
Blue Frog Farm
5499 Sportsmanclub Rd., Johnstown, OH 43062
The Patch on 37 - Johnstown Alexandria Rd., Alexandria - opens mid to late June with the raspberry u-pick. The berry hotline number is 740-814-4196 or feel free to call the market at 740-927-8559.
By Phone
- 740.927.8559 – (Market Phone)
- 740.404.9967 – MAZE
- 740.927.1333 – (Recording for weekend updates in the late summer and fall)
- 740.927.7013 or 740.564.4423 - (School Tours)
- 740-789-9104 2024 Hotline
Market: DAILY, 10-5 Hours during harvest season are different. Check ticker on homepage for up to date information.
Berry picking – varies depending on availability,
Apple Picking: Check the ticker on homepage week to week or estimated apple picking schedule coming soon! Facebook will also reflect picking dates as we approach fall.