Lynd Farm Market
HOURS: OPEN DAILY 10-6 thru November 3. Closed Mondays & Tuesdays beginning November 4. Hours 10-5 beginning Nov. 6. CLOSED THANKSGIVING DAY. LAST DAY OF 2024 SEASON – DEC. 8
HOMEGROWN PRODUCE sold in the market begins with sweetcorn mid July-early September along with peaches (homegrown depending on availability) mid July into August. The earliest homegrown apples are ready mid August and are available throughout the winter. Homegrown pears & plums may also be found depending on availability.
LOCAL VEGETABLES (available starting in mid summer) grown by the Amish include onions, tomatoes, zucchini, squash, cabbage, broccoli, and more! Locally grown salad and herb bowls are available in the summer and early fall. Starting in mid-September there’s an abundance of winter squash and various kinds of pumpkins. In October we typically carry Ohio chestnuts, HOMEMADE Cider, UV light treated with NO preservatives is available once our apples are ready. You’ll find ciders made from a blend of apples, as well as HONEYCRISP cider (limited supply). Late October we will have our award winning GOLDRUSH cider.
SPRING & EARLY SUMMER PRODUCE & PLANTS consists of the highest quality produce we can purchase. In late April, depending on availability & quality, we may have green beans, plums, potatoes, onions, romaine lettuce, Florida tomatoes, blueberries, strawberries & more. Local strawberries start mid to late May and prior to that we work hard to locate trusted strawberry & blueberry growers in southern states. Throughout much of May we are still offering our homegrown apples & lettuce & herb bowls. Herbs grown in our greenhouse along with an assortment of plants such as elderberry plants, tomatoes plants and a few others are available occasionally. We also now offer Granville Microgreens. According to one customer, “these are the best micro greens I have ever had”.
Ohio NATIVE plants are a specialty and are plentiful in the spring. For more information on our native plants, check out our Monarch Meadows website!
Pumpkin & Squash Varieties
*Pumpkin & Squash varieties often available at our market
ACORN Squash

#1 selling winter squash, the Acorn has a sweet/nutty flavor with a beautiful orange flesh. It is a bit fibrous.

Blue Hubbard has a nutty, sweet flavor similar to a sweet potato with a hint of pumpkin. It has a deep orange color flesh.
Butternuts have a deep reddish orange flesh with a distinct rich, nutty flavor. Very dense and smooth they are very popular.
The ‘Pink Banana’ is delicious, dry, sweet, smooth orange fleshed. Choice of the South for pies!
A type of acorn, the Carnival is a bit more fibrous, mildly sweet with a hint of nutty flavor.
This French Heirloom is considered a gourmet choice with its deep orange, sweet, fine flesh.
An Heirloom cross between a Red Hubbard and a Pumpkin, this ‘thing’ has a wonderful, sweet stringless flesh and is very versatile. Excellent for sweet quick breads, pies, soups or roasted.
Known for its spaghetti- like strands that fall off the fruit when cooked. It is a great substitute for pasta and can be served with sauce. It can be baked, roasted, steamed or microwaved.
A “Culinary delight”, Speckled Hounds have a thick, dry, dense flesh that is remarkably sweet with a nutty flavor making it an excellent choice for roasting and for soups.

This Native American Heirloom, often referred to as ‘Tennessee Sweet Potato” has a sweet, superior taste and is often used in pies.

This ‘Sweet Potato’ squash has a delicate, creamy, sweet flavor. An ‘easy cooker’, it’s normally baked, but can be microwaved, sautéed, or steamed. Mitch Lynd’s favorite!

This French Heirloom ‘Musquee De Provence’ has a rich brown skin with deep orange, thick flesh. Very sweet and smooth – a favorite of chefs! Excellent for pies and custards.
A large heirloom cross between the Blue Hubbard and Cinderella, the Jarrahdale has sweet flesh and is an excellent keeper. Makes a superb pie pumpkin. Avg. weight 12-18 pounds.
This small Japanese Heirloom is a bit dry, thick, dense and very sweet. Average weight is 3 lb.
KAKAI Pumpkin

Kakis are known for their hull-less seeds making them an excellent choice for roasted seeds! Just scoop seeds, rinse and roast in oven till slightly brown. Otherwise, flesh is tough therefore making it NOT a good choice for cooking.

“Turk’s Cap” is a French Heirloom with a fine, thick orange, semi-dry flesh. It has a rich, nutty flavor and stores well. Normally roasted, mashed and then stuffed in it’s own ‘bowl’!

PEANUT Pumpkin

This heirloom is considered a gourmet cooking pumpkin. Peanuts on the skin are a result of excess sugar built up in the skin. The more peanuts, the sweeter the flesh!

One of Lynd’s top selling pumpkins, this heirloom is sweet with fine flesh and a good keeper.
This Italian Heirloom has a rich, sweet flesh and is a good keeper. It’s considered very good for soups, baking and pies.
NECK Pumpkin

This Pennsylvania Dutch Crookneck Squash has a superb, rich flavored, deep orange flesh. An Amish favorite for pies, butters and desserts.

This hybrid is a popular decorating pumpkin known for its resemblance of a bloodshot eyeball, hence the name! Not used for cooking.

This hybrid has a deep orange, sweet flesh and is very good for pies & soups. Pumpkin growers give a % of their proceeds to benefit Breast Cancer research.

This Australian Heirloom has a dense, sweet, fine, deep golden flesh. Very good for baking, soups and pumpkin bread.

Luminas are very popular for painting and carving as the bright orange flesh contrasts beautifully with the white skin when carved. Not known for cooking.
LYND brand items include jams, fruit butters, fruit salsas, variety applesauce, flavored ciders, BBQ sauce, pasta sauces, ketchups & salad dressings. In the bakery you’ll find fresh pies from Steven’s orchard (delivered Friday morning) and Amish fry pies. Hershberger pickles, Cooper Mills sauces, Harv’s Honey, Bonhomie Maple Syrup, pastured beef, pork & chicken & Whit’s frozen custard are just a few of the local Ohio Proud products you’ll find at our market. Troyer Trail Bologna, sausages, and a wide variety of cheese can be found in our deli cases. Hard to find Ohio grown chestnuts are available in the fall, usually October and sometimes late September.
If you’re looking for a LYND Fruit Farm souvenir, you’ll have lots to choose from! Check out the charcuterie boards made by Andy and son, Aaron Lynd. No 2 are alike and all are made with beautiful local woods. Some are live edge. Our popular Lynd garb is stylish, affordable & super comfy!
Home décor, Douglas stuffed animals, Bolga baskets, White Mountain puzzles, Swan Creek Candles & Martha’s Milks Soap are just a few of the gifts you’ll find throughout the market. Limited supply late in season due to nature of seasonal business.
Fresh Apple Cider Donuts are now available just in time for the 2024 apple picking season!
The Donut Trailer is open Wednesday & Thursday 10-2 p.m. and Friday thru Sunday 10-4 p.m.
Donuts are generally available on U-Pick apple days and special events only.
- Price: $2/donut, $9 half dozen & $15/dozen.
Flavors vary during the occasional off season summer events (blueberry or peach) and during the coolest days of fall you’ll often find pumpkin spice along with apple cider donuts. too!